Monday, July 19, 2010

I promised to tell the story of The Sneezer, so here it is!

I was sitting in my bedroom one day, at my desk using the computer, when I heard someone sneeze.  I didn't know where the sound came from at first, but as the person continued to sneeze, I realized it was coming from the condo unit that abutted my bedroom wall.

We're not talking soft little sneezes... we're talking loud humungous sneezes!   One, two, three... four or five sneezes.   Whoahhhh I thought... bad allergies or what?!?

I sat at my desk for a while longer and then could hear someone singing.   The Sneezer (though at that point I hadn't dubbed him that) was singing... at the top of his lungs!

He wasn't bad at first, but then.... whoooahhh!   It was like he was trying to imitate an opera singer, and doing it badly!  "I siinngggggg becauuuuuseeeeee I'm HAPPppppppppyyyyy!    I sinnnnnnggggg because I'm FREEEEEEEeeeeeeeee!"   It was a church hymn that I knew well.  

I started to laugh because it just sounded so ridiculous!   I went down the hall to the livingroom to laugh, because I knew if I could hear him singing he'd be able to hear me laughing.

For the next few weeks, I kept hearing The Sneezer bothing sneezing and singing over in his condo unit.  I could hear him the best when I was in the bathroom and he had quite a repetoire of songs.

"I'm your genie in a bottttLLLEEeeeee...."
"IF you want my BODDDyyyy AND you think I'm SEXXXXXyyyyy, COME on honey tell me SOOOoooo..."

It really was quite comical.  And of course there was the sneezing... five or more sneezes at a time, several times a day.  By this time I was affectionately referring to him as The Sneezer and he really was more entertaining than annoying. (though I did wonder if all the sneezing was killing off some of his brain cells!)

A few times I head him animatedly talking on the phone.... just a hyper kind of guy.  One time when I was pulling into the parking lot after work, a young guy came bounding out of the door that would lead to the stairway to his condo unit.  Just the way the guy hopped, skipped and ran, I figured it must be The Sneezer.

A few months later, The Sneezer must have moved out because I no longer could here anything coming from the unit next door.   I'm thinking he must have been a college student who was renting (two colleges nearby) because the semester was over and The Sneezer was gone.

I have to say that I truely do miss having The Sneezer as a neighbor.  Not only was he entertaining, but he always had such a positive and upbeat energy... something I could really use more of in my life.

So here's to the The Sneezer, wherever he may be... Happy Sneezing and keep on belting out those songs!  :-)


  1. OK, This was interesting I man actually wondering what is he doing?

    Glad you don't have anyone now who does "other things" loudly.



  2. Nancy, If you will send me your email address to I have a very interesting article about Company logo's that might interest you.

